An affordable, quality tuition service in Liverpool, available all year round
In addition to our independent, alternative provision offered within our school or via our e-learning programme, we also offer a high quality, friendly and affordable tuition offer, Assess Tuition.
Our tuition supports all Key Stages including those studying towards their GCSE & A-Levels. We also cover a range of subjects including Maths, English and Science. We also offer support with Entrance Prep, SATs and General Tuition.
The successes of our pupils is at the heart of what we do, and as such we value and embrace the individuality of every student. We develop unique tutorial plans to suit their individual passions, strengths and areas for development. Our goal is to increase the confidence and self-esteem of our pupils, whilst simultaneously providing them with the tools and skills required to achieve their full academic potential.
As we are Ofsted registered, you are also able to claim back 70% of your tuition fees using your Working Tax Credit entitlement.
Available for all ages (4+)
Ofsted accredited
No booking required
Open 5 days a week
How our tuition service works
On their first session, students receive a free assessment in order for our tutors to gauge what level they are working at and the areas where they can further develop.
After their initial assessment, our tutors develop a number of working targets for each student, this ensures that students are given work which is specifically tailored towards them. Each child will receive individual attention from our tutors within a group setting. We recognise that there isn’t a one size fits all approach to teaching and learning, and are keen to adopt multiple methods to enable every child to flourish. Our tuition aims to provide a positive, engaging and inspiring learning experience for all our students.
![Tutition support](
What areas do we offer tuition in?
Student Testimonial
“Three years went pretty quick. Going to uni when I never thought I had a chance but I was able to re-sit my exams at Assess. Now working as an intern at the Royal. Wouldn’t be here without you!”
— AW
Next steps
If you are looking for tuition for yourself or a young person, please contact us.